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For over 27 years FORVM has been bridging the gap between smart business and the Brazilian Market, helping them explore new opportunities and drive positive growth.

Consultoria FORVMcomércio exterior

International Consulting
& trade management services

  • Empower businesses of all shapes to expand internationally

  • We have knowledge, experience and connections you need to succeed

  • Our high-performance team of dedicated specialists, will support you every step of the way - from conception to execution and beyond

It's time to invest in



Why invest in Brazil?

  • Brazil is the largest Market in Latin América and one of the 15 largest in the world. It has more than 200 milion inhabitants.

  • About 10% of this population (20 milion) have the same purchase power as the average european, wich presentes na opportunity for those looking to expand their reach.

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FORVM way of being

#Mutual respect    #Integrity     #Freedom    #Fair-play


Timeline FORVMcomércio exterior

What our customers say

We, a Japanese company with more than |20 years of history, are expressly satisfied with the quality of service provided by FORVM.
Mainly for the organization, punctuality, confidence and professionalism. We look forward to partnering with FORVM at all times.


Cutting Tool Manufacturer

Capezzio, Eduardo pediu pelo WhatsApp na Segunda.

Rizzo Hahn

CEO | Empresa de automação

​Je tenais à féliciter pour I'efficacité et le professionnalisme. L'ensemble des piêces que vous avez fournies aux autorités Brésiliennes pour I'obtention de I'EX-Tarifario ainsi que vos services étaient d'une três grande qualité pour un prix três compétitif.

Thierry Bressollette

Sales Manager | Manufacturing company


Increases productivity

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Rua Jaroslau Clemente Pesch, 34 Floresta, Joinville, Santa Catarina

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CNPJ 01.749.954/0001-64

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(47) 3433 0641

Rua Aquidaban, 634 | Joinville SC

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Todos os direitos reservados a FORVM Comércio Exterior | 2023
CNPJ 01.749.954/0001-64

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